经过中文学校老师的努力,网上教学的准备工作已经就绪。 从下周日(3月15日)开始,所有中文课将通过网络授课的方式进行。 各年级的老师将会通知所教班级的家长具体的授课时间安排。 还没有和孩子所在班级老师建立联系的家长也请尽快与老师取得联系,也请各班级的家长相互告知。由于这是我们第一次尝试网上教学,教学过程中难免会出现一些意想不到的问题,还请家长们能给予理解和支持。
在新冠病毒疫情得到控制,日常生活回归正常后,我们将恢复在陶森大学的正常授课。 届时中文学校将会通知家长,请大家留意中文学校的通知。
Dear Parents,
After the successful testing of the online meeting program, we are ready to deliver classes online. From Sunday, March 15, 2020, all Chinese classes will be offered online. BCS teachers will contact each parent regarding the class time and relevant arrangements. This is the first time that we deliver online instruction so there may be some unexpected issues. We appreciate your understanding and support.
After the coronavirus situation is under control and daily life returns to normal, we will consider resuming all classes at Towson University. An announcement will be sent to all parents when the decision is made.
Again, please take necessary precautions to protect you and your family!
BCS admin team