Goodbye to Officer Amy Caprio

Two children left, two day to 30 years old, two world with us now!
In memory of Officer Amy Caprio whose life was tragically cut short while protecting our Baltimore community on May 21st 2018, we, Baltimore Chinese School and many parents of the Perry Hall community have initiated a fundraising on June 3rd 2018. All money raised will be donated to one of Caprio family’s preference, Police Assistant Relief Fund(PAR Fund).
This is our way of paying respects to Officer Caprio and all the police officers out there, putting their lives on the line to protect our lives, families, properties and communities. Please be a part of this great cause and show our appreciation! United as Chinese community, this is our way of giving back and show We Care, together as ONE!
Donations can be made to BCS, in reference of Amy Caprio. Cash are welcome too.
Thank you!
向 Baltimore County 警察 Amy Caprio 致敬!
BCS 为殉职警察 Amy Caprio 募捐
警察 Amy Caprio 她接到911通知,有人在一个小区发现一辆可以的吉普越野车。她出警现场,掏枪要求吉普车上的司机下来配合检查,那人没有下来,反而开车朝她撞去,她开了一枪就被吉普车碾压了,被急救送到当地医院,2:50在医院去世。
5/21 日在巴尔的摩北郊 Perry Hall 发生的枪案还历历在目。我们BCS也有部分学生当天在各自的学校经历一场一级防范禁闭. 虽然凶手后来找到了,但是保护居民的警察 Amy Caprio 却殉职了。 作为社区的一部份,我们能做些什么?
BCS 家长会联合多位住Perry Hall 的家长经商议,决定6/3在BCS为殉职警察募捐。本次募捐得到中文学校理事会和校委会的大力支持。 所募集的资金将按死者家属意愿, 以中文学校的名义集体捐赠给 police assistance relief (PAR fund),捐赠金额多少不是重点,重点是我们发挥华人社区的力量,关心并回馈社会。有意愿响应本次募捐的可以写支票给BCS(注明警察捐款,)或现场以现金捐款。
时间:1pm-4pm 6/3