Baltimore Chinese School Board of Directors

孙伟 1982年毕业于东北师范大学数学系。 1982-1986 任职于北京人民教育出版社,从事中小学数学教科书的编写工作。 1986秋赴美就读于哥伦比亚大学,1993年获得教育博士学位。 目前就职于陶森大学数学系终身教授。巴尔的摩中文学校首任校长。
Dr. Sun Wei graduated from China’s Northeast Normal University in February 1982 with a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics. He worked at People’s Education Press from 1982 to 1986 as an editor of the national mathematics textbooks for elementary and secondary schools. In fall 1986, Sun Wei came to US and studied at Columbia University in New York City. He received Doctor of Education degree in 1993. Dr. Sun is currently a professor in the Mathematics Department of Towson University. Dr. Sun Wei is the founding principal of Baltimore Chinese School.
包昌鑫(Vice Chair)

James Bao, 1987 年毕业于东北大学计算机科学与工程系。1996 年底获得University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)计算机硕士学位, 現为马里兰大学高级软件工程师。自2006年 起分别担任巴尓的摩中文学校 PTA Chair, 校长助理,和总务长。自2017年九月起担任巴尔的摩副校长兼总务长。现任巴尔的摩理事会副理事长。另兼职为大华府大专联常务理事兼东北大学校友会副会长。
Mr. James Bao graduated from Northeast University with a Bachelor’s degree of Computer Science and Engineering in 1987, and later received a Master’s degree in Software Engineering from the University of Texas in Arlington in 1996. Currently, Mr. Bao is working in IT development as Senior IT Enterprise App Developer at the University of Maryland Baltimore. Since 2006, Mr. Bao had been president of BCS PTA, executive assistant of administration, and General manager. Mr. Bao has served as the vice principal for Baltimore Chinese School since September, 2017. He is the current vice chair of the Board of Directors at Baltimore Chinese School.
刘华(PTA Chair)

刘华 毕业于成都理工大学。来美后获得电脑和会计双硕士。现在巴尔的摩市政府一卫生机构担任高级会计。在中国曾有多年服侍青少年工作经历. 推广并实施了许多青少年社会实践,基金筹集,各项竞赛䓁活动。来美后积极参与社区的各种活动。在巴尔的摩华人社区组建了首个儿童舞蹈团。现在是巴尔的摩地区各种活动的积极组织者和志愿者。
Liu Hua Graduated from the Chengdu University of Technology. She received a master degree in Computer Science at Cleveland State University & a master degree in Accounting and Business Advisory from The University of Baltimore. She is currently a senior accountant at a nonprofit organization under the Baltimore City Health Department. She has years of working experiences for Youth programs in China. She has promoted and practiced many campaigns in youth education funding, various competitions, and cultural activities. She is an active member of Baltimore Chinese community as an organizer and volunteer. She formed the first children dance group in Baltimore Chinese community.

吕超 1982年毕业于山东大学电子系,1983年来美国纽约城市大学读书,于1988年取得电子工程博士学位。自1990年至今就职于陶森大学计算机系教授。
Dr. Chao Lu graduated from Shandong University, China, in 1982 with a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, and came to USA in 1983 studied at CUNY for his Ph.D. in Engineering, and received his Ph.D. in 1988. Dr. Lu has been a professor with Towson University since 1990 to now.

侯志鹏 1988年毕业于辽宁大学化学系,主修仪器分析。目前就职于约翰霍普金斯大学。2016 加入中文学校,创建合唱团网页,2017重建BCS网站,疫情前建立并完善网络报名及付费系统. 参与并制作中文学校及华府团体的活动影音,疫情期间为社区医护人员赞助筹措物资。
Zhipeng Hou graduated from the Liaoning University in 1988, majoring in instrumental analysis. Currently working as faculty at Johns Hopkins University. Joined the Baltimore Chinese school in 2016, created the choir website, rebuilt the BCS website in 2017, established and improved the online registration and payment system before the epidemic. Made video programs of the Spring Festival Gala for BCS and other group around Washting DC, and Made a contribution to the community during the epidemic.

林涵芳 2014~2017 PTA 副主席. 2018-2022 PTA 主席.
2017 中文学校爱在巴城春晚导演组成员,晚会主持人.
2016,2017 中文学校结业表演负责人.
2016 中文学校新星合唱团举办巴城好声音筹委会成员,比赛主场人.
2014 成立中文学校儿童合唱团,团员从第一年的10人小组成长为40人的大型队伍。合唱团在过去3年里年年在春晚呈现受欢迎的合唱节目.
目前是巴城童乐双语幼儿园老师兼创办人。 持有马里兰 Loyola 大学教育硕士, 及新泽西理工大学(NJIT) 土木环境工程硕士。
Han Fang Lim.
Vice president of BCS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) 2014~2017.
Co-director, and Master of ceremony. 2017 CNY Gala.
Director and organizer of 2016,2017 Talent Show & Graduation ceremony.
Team member and Master of ceremony for the Voice of Baltimore competition, by New Star Chinese choirs.
Conductor and music teacher of BCS Student choirs.
Han Fang Lim is the founder and teacher at Tong Le Montessori school, a bilingual Chinese Immersion preschool in Baltimore City. She holds a Master of Education from Loyola University as well as a Master of Environmental Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology.
刘宗慈 (Honorable Chair)

刘宗慈 John Liu 1986年毕业于马里兰大学电气工程系。1990年获得约翰霍普金斯大学电气工程硕士学位。担任电气工程师从事电气工程工作多年。现为Coordinated Power Engineering Inc 副董事长。曾担任巴尔的摩中文学校副校长十多年。曾任巴尔的摩中文学校理事会理事。
Mr.John Liu graduated from University of Maryland with a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1986 and received Master Degree in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1990. He has been working in the area of electrical power engineering for many years. Currently, Mr. Liu is the vice president of Coordinated Power Engineering Inc. Mr. Liu served as the vice principal for Baltimore Chinese School for more than 10 years. He is the current chair of the Board of Directors at Baltimore Chinese School.
Sincere thanks to those who have served in BCS Board: