CSL Beginner 教学计划

任课老师:吕苡甄 jessie7914@gmail.com

我是吕苡甄。非常高兴能作为本学年CSL班的老师。 本班级虽为双语班,但教学宗旨是以创立一个中文学习的环境, 使学生尽量多地接触汉语及练习汉语。近二十年的语言教学经验告诉我,提高学生的学习兴趣及运用所学语言的能力是极为重要的,也是教学之目的。鉴于此,本课程的设计为有选择的课本内容,及附加的教材内容,如儿歌, 空竹,描红,唐诗,中秋节,春节,京剧等相结合。课堂上也通过各种有趣的练习使学生在玩儿中学,玩儿中练。家庭作业除了部分练习册练习外,学生需要在课外口语练习所学的课本内容:如去中国餐厅吃饭时与服务生打招呼,教给美国学校的同学中文, 或与会说中文的同学/朋友对话等。假期中的家庭作业以看卡通片为主,练听力,潜移默化学习中文。

每一次课后都有教师课件放在本班的微信群或中文学校网站里。 家长可以了解每次课的教学内容及家庭作业。特别是帮助学生补上缺课的内容及家庭作业。有事或因病不能来上课,请在微信群里提前告知老师。 上课时, 家长可以坐在教室后面。一来协助老师解决孩子的困难,二来监督孩子遵守校规。也尽量做到每次课不迟到。最需要家长帮忙的是协助学生完成形式多样的家庭作业, 使学生真正做到复习及运用所学的内容。



Dear parents;

This is Yizhen, the instructor of the CSL . I would be very happy to teach your child/children who will take this class to learn Chinese language and explore Chinese culture. Even though this class is considered as a “bilingual class”, our focus is on the creation of a setting in which students can practice more of the target language. With my nearly twenty years of language teaching experience, I do know the fact that students’ interests and motivation play an important role in second language acquisition, and our objective is to assist students to use the new language in communication with the skills they obtained. Since this is the beginning class, the learning content of this year would be a combination of some selected lessons from the textbook and supplementary materials such as Children’s song, KongZhu, nursery rhymes/Tang poems, Calligraphy, Moon Festival, Chinese New Year celebration, and Peking Opera, etc. In the classroom, students will practice listening, speaking, writing skills with fun activities. Homework contains not only the selected book exercises, but real-life communication practice such as greeting the waiter/waitress at a Chinese restaurant, talking to a classmate/friend/teacher who can speak Chinese, “teaching” a classmate Chinese at American school, etc. During the holidays, students will watch Cartoon in Chinese in order to practice listening and comprehension skills.

My Power Point Lesson plan will be posted to We-Chat/school web after each class. Parents can review the learning content and assigned homework especially when your child was absent for the class. Please notice me a day before the class if your child is sick or will participate a family event. Parents can sit on the rear chairs in the classroom to help your child with some hand-on activities and remind them to follow School Regulations. Please BE ON Time for each class. And most of all, assist to check your child’s completion of homework, make sure they spend enough time to do it and really practice Chinese in both oral and written form.

Below is the Class syllabus with class schedule. Please contact me should you have any question.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance.

Chinese as a Second Language -Beginner-

Semester: 2023 Fall

Textbook: Huanying Volume 1 《欢迎》 第一册




Main Activity



Unit 1.1

1. Self-introduction

2. Brief introduction to Chinese Pinyin


Unit 1.2 OuTeacher

1.       New words and expressions

2.       Make up a simple greeting dialogue

3.       Poster/ PowerPoint Presentation (due early December)


Unit 1.2 Our Teacher

1.       Peer review/act out the dialogue

2.       Listening and Recording

3.       Basic strokes and stroke order

4.       Numbers 1-10


Unit 1.3 David


1.       New words and expressions

2.       Ask a Yes/No question

3.       Basic word order of Chinese sentence


Unit 1.3 David


1.       Pinyin: vowels (finals)
a. ao, ou, ing, an, uo, ei, i

2.       Personal pronouns and possessive pronouns

3.       Radicals of Chinese Characters

4.       Word formation


Unit 1.4 Introducing Myself


1.       Chinese names

2.       Negating a present tense statement

3.       Formulating a question using interrogative pronouns


Unit 1.4 Introducing Myself


1.       Special tone rules for “不”

2.       ” as a suffix

3.       Write a passage (self-introduction)

4.       Popular Chinese dishes

5.       Pinyin, Initials and Finals


Unit 1.5 Telephone and Email


1.       How to read a Chinese phone number

2.       The possessive particle “的“

3.       Review Pinyin 


Unit 1.5 Telephone and Email


1.       Review new words and sentence


2.       Listening practice

3.       Cultural Note


Unit 1.6    Review



Unit 2.1 There are Five People in My Family


1.       New words and phrases.

2.       There is; there are; have

3.       “How many” 


Unit 2.1 There are Five People in My Family


4.       Thanksgiving activities

5.       Make up a dialogue (people you see, food you eat, and things you do)


Unit 2.1 There are Five People in My Family


Review and Exam



Last Class for fall semester

 Chinese Culture


Christmas break - no class


Holiday break - no class


L8:我 要苹果,你呢?

L8: I want an apple, and you?

 School reopen for spring semester


L8:我 要苹果,你呢?

L8: I want an apple, and you?



Sprint Festival


Chinese New Year - No Class


L9:我 喜欢海鲜

L9: I like the seafood



L9:我 喜欢海鲜

L9: I like the seafood



复 习:L7-L9

Review L7 to L9



L10:中 文课

L10: Chinese language class



L10:中 文课

L10: Chinese language class



L11:我 们班

L11: Our class


L11:我 们班

L11: Our class



L12:我 去图书馆

L12: I go to the library


Teacher Professional Development Day - No Class


L12:我 去图书馆

L12: I go to the library



Easter Sunday, Spring break - No Class


复 习:L10-L12

Review L10 to L12



L13现在 几点

L13: What time is it?


L13现在 几点

L13: What time is it?



L14我的 生日

L14: My birthday


L14我的 生日

L14: My birthday



BCS Picnic


Memorial Day Weekend - No Class


L15今 天不冷

L15: Today is not cold



L15今 天不冷

L15: Today is not cold

Last Class for spring semester

The content of class schedule is subject to change due to students’ ability and progress.